

python numpy array to structured array

まず、np.array (ndarrayのfield値を持っていないもの)を作ってみる。
>>> # How to make a structured array from non-field array
>>> import numpy as np
>>> x = np.array([(1,2,'a'),(3,4,'b')])
>>> x
array([['1', '2', 'a'],
    ['3', '4', 'b']],

このxを次のようなstructured arrayに変換したい。

>>> # From this x I wanted to make a structred array like this.
>>> y
array([(1, 2, 'a'), (3, 4, 'b')],
   dtype=[('name1', '|u1'), ('name2', '<i4'), ('name3', '|S20')])


>>> # Try converting directly x to a structrued array,
>>> y0 = np.array(x, dtype=[('name1','u1'), ('name2', 'i4'), ('name3', 'S20')])Traceback (most recent call last):
 File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10: 'a'
>>> # It failed.


>>> # Try another way,
>>> y1 = np.array(x.tolist(), dtype=[('name1','u1'), ('name2', 'i4'), ('name3', 'S20')])
>>> y1
array([[(49, 0, ''), (50, 0, ''), (97, 0, '')],
    [(51, 0, ''), (52, 0, ''), (98, 0, '')]],
   dtype=[('name1', '|u1'), ('name2', '<i4'), ('name3', '|S20')])
>>> # This is not what I wanted.



>>> # Usually np.array doesn't care what input array is, like below.
>>> np.array([[2,3,4],[2,5,6]])
array([[2, 3, 4],
    [2, 5, 6]])
>>> np.array([(2,3,4),(2,5,6)])
array([[2, 3, 4],
    [2, 5, 6]])
>>> np.array(((2,3,4),(2,5,6)))
array([[2, 3, 4],
    [2, 5, 6]])

ところがdtypeの値を渡してstructured arrayにしようとするとタプルをリストでくくったものしかうまくいかない。(下の例では真ん中のコマンドだけうまくいっている。)

>>> # However when making a structured array, only tuple bracketed by list (middle) is correctly worked.
>>> np.array([[2,3,4],[2,5,6]], dtype=[('a','i4'),('b','i4'),('c','i4')])
Traceback (most recent call last):
 File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
TypeError: expected a readable buffer object
>>> np.array([(2,3,4),(2,5,6)], dtype=[('a','i4'),('b','i4'),('c','i4')])
array([(2, 3, 4), (2, 5, 6)],
   dtype=[('a', '<i4'), ('b', '<i4'), ('c', '<i4')])
>>> np.array(((2,3,4),(2,5,6)), dtype=[('a','i4'),('b','i4'),('c','i4')])
Traceback (most recent call last):
 File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
ValueError: size of tuple must match number of fields.
>>> # Well, a structured array consists of tuples.

structured arrayというのはタプルを配列にしたものであるようだ。

>>> # Then, the answer is here.
>>> y2 = np.array(list(tuple(z) for z in x), dtype=[('name1','u1'), ('name2', 'i4'), ('name3', 'S20')])
>>> y2
array([(1, 2, 'a'), (3, 4, 'b')],
   dtype=[('name1', '|u1'), ('name2', '<i4'), ('name3', '|S20')])

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