

Failed OS X El Capitan 10.11.2 update

I updated to 10.11.2 yesterday.
It went halfway and stopped before completed.

So, I force quitted and restarted. Mac showed the login screen.
I logged in with my primary user A.
With a long spinning cursor, nothing happened.
I force quitted again.

Fortunately, I have another admin user B.
I tried logging in with user B. It was succeeded.

With on user B, I found following messages around time when failing to log in with user A .
diagnosticd[136]: error evaluating process info - pid: 316, puniqueid: 316[1]: ([316]) Service exited due to signal: Segmentation fault: 11

According to a Crash report, something was wrong with mdworker of

Thanks to information here, I could find where the cache of LauchServices.
sudo find /var/folders /Library/Caches/ -name '*LaunchServices*' -print0 | xargs -0 ls -l

I backed up the cache of user A and deleted it.

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